
Miller Research was started in 1975 by Dr. Terry Miller. Dr. Jeff Miller became the president and principal field investigator in 2007. At Miller Research, we conduct efficacy research on crops grown in the semi-arid Pacific Northwest of the US, including potatoes, sugar beets, wheat, barley, alfalfa (newly seeded and established), field and sweet corn, and dry beans. Research projects include aspects of pest management (disease, insect, and weed control), irrigation and fertigation, fertility, regulated crops (genetically modified), and improving cultural practices.

We have been conducting research under Good Laboratory Practices as outlined in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 40 CFR Part 160 since 1989. Routine Quality Assurance inspections have been performed by many different quality assurance units since 1989 and have been found compliant to the regulations of FIFRA in each audit. 

We have conducted trials for over 120 companies and performed cooperative research with several different land-grant universities. We regularly received funding from the Idaho Potato Commission to conduct research projects of interest to potato producers.

Miller Research owns over 1000 acres of farmland. Research efforts are concentrated mainly on 130 acres near Acequia, ID where our main office and laboratory are located. Ownership and facility close proximity permits close scrutiny of trials reducing problems associated with the control and completion of field studies. Land ownership allows us to control all facets of crop production and to maintain precise records. Our office laboratory complex and modern manufacturing facilities allow us to design, manufacture, modify and repair our custom and industry equipment.